Gravel Borrow

Gravel Borrow


Product Description
Gravel Borrow is a naturally occurring mix of sandy gravel and rock up to 4″ in diameter. Our Gravel Borrow typically maxes out at 1-½”–2-½” in diameter.

Gravel Borrow meets or exceeds WSDOT Standard Specifications 9-03.14(1):

  • 99–100% passing the 4″ screen
  • 75–100% passing the 2″ screen
  • 50–80% passing the #4 screen
  • Up to 30% passing the #40 screen
  • Up to 7% passing the #200 screen

The sand equivalent value is 50% minimum.

Product Applications
Gravel Borrow is commonly used to build up large areas or as backfill in construction because it compacts and drains well. It’s typically used to backfill areas deeper than six inches. Gravel Borrow can be used as a free-draining structural fill and as a trench backfill.

WSDOT prefers gravel borrow for some types of embankments: “Gravel borrow is intended for use where embankments need strength and compaction to perform well” (WSDOT Construction Manual SS 2-03.3(13)).

Similar Products
Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill (3970-3) and Gravel Backfill for Walls (1970-3) are typically made from the same deposits and made to similar specifications as Gravel Borrow.

We also manufacture Gravel Borrow Type 17 (2980-3), which is a commonly used City of Seattle specification with similar properties and applications. The Type 17 specification maxes out at 2½” in diameter.

Helpful Tips
Gravel Borrow is one of our most purchased backfill materials. Compared to Select Borrow (0698-3) and Common Borrow (0998-3), Gravel Borrow has the most stringent requirements in terms of product composition because it requires the lowest ratio of fines to sand.

About Borrow Products
Gravel Borrow, Select Borrow, and Common Borrow are similar in that they are naturally occurring gravelly rock mixes. Gravel Borrow must pass the most stringent requirements and contain a lower ratio of fines to sand. Common Borrow is the least stringent specification, and Select Borrow falls in the middle between the two.

Pricing & Availability
Minimum $35.00 purchase required on all materials. Check pricing and availability by requesting a quote online.

Material Spreading
Prices quoted are for material delivery only. Drivers do their best to dump material evenly when requested. However, Washington Rock cannot guarantee that this will result in an even or desirable distribution of material. Customers must supply the equipment and labor necessary to finish projects.

Minimum Delivery Quantity
Our minimum order quantity for deliveries is 10 cubic yards. Do you need less than that? Find a local supplier here.


Product Description
Select Borrow is a naturally occurring mix of sandy gravel and round rock up to 6″ in diameter. It falls in the middle on the spectrum between a sandier Gravel Borrow (1980-3) and a “dirtier” Common Borrow (0998-3).

Select Borrow meets or exceeds WSDOT Standard Specifications 9-03.14(2):

  • 99–100% passing the 6″ screen
  • 75–100% passing the 3″ screen
  • up to 50% passing the #40 screen
  • up to 10% passing the #200 screen

WSDOT notes that when used in the top two feet of embankments or where Method C compaction is required, the top two sieve sizes should be 4″ and 2″.

The minimum sand equivalent is 30%.

Product Applications
Select Borrow can be used as a fill material, usually in areas deeper than the maximum rock size. It can also be used as foundation material for homes, building pads, and paved surfaces like roads and parking lots.

Similar Products
Compared to the WSDOT spec for Gravel Borrow (1980-30, the state spec for Select Borrow allows for more fines and a larger maximum rock size. Select Borrow doesn’t have to be as “clean” as Gravel Borrow per the WSDOT spec.

About Borrow Products
Gravel Borrow, Select Borrow, and Common Borrow are similar in that they are naturally occurring gravelly rock mixes. Gravel Borrow must pass the most stringent requirements and contain a lower ratio of fines to sand. Common Borrow is the least stringent specification, and Select Borrow falls in the middle between the two.

Pricing & Availability
Minimum $35.00 purchase required on all materials. Check pricing and availability by requesting a quote online.

Material Spreading
Prices quoted are for material delivery only. Drivers do their best to dump material evenly when requested. However, Washington Rock cannot guarantee that this will result in an even or desirable distribution of material. Customers must supply the equipment and labor necessary to finish projects.

Minimum Delivery Quantity
Our minimum order quantity for deliveries is 10 cubic yards. Do you need less than that? Find a local supplier here.


Product Description
Common Borrow is a naturally occurring mix of sandy gravel with round rock.

Common Borrow meets or exceeds WSDOT Standard Specifications 9-03.14(3), which requires that it contain no more than 3% organic material by weight. It must also have 0–12% material passing the #200 sieve. There are other requirements for plasticity if fines exceed 12%.

Unlike Gravel Borrow (1980-3) and Select Borrow (0698-3), Common Borrow has no other size or sand content requirement.

Product Applications
Common Borrow can be used as a general fill material. It can also be used in road and concrete slab bases. Sometimes it’s also used as a trench backfill.

Similar Products
Compared to Gravel Borrow (1980-3) and Select Borrow (0698-3), Common Borrow has the broadest specification (least strict requirements).

Depending on the deposit mined, Common Borrow may have a similar composition to Pit Run (0898-3).

About Borrow Products
Gravel Borrow, Select Borrow, and Common Borrow are similar in that they are naturally occurring gravelly rock mixes. Gravel Borrow must pass the most stringent requirements and contain a lower ratio of fines to sand. Common Borrow is the least stringent specification, and Select Borrow falls in the middle between the two.

Pricing & Availability
Minimum $35.00 purchase required on all materials. Check pricing and availability by requesting a quote online.

Material Spreading
Prices quoted are for material delivery only. Drivers do their best to dump material evenly when requested. However, Washington Rock cannot guarantee that this will result in an even or desirable distribution of material. Customers must supply the equipment and labor necessary to finish projects.

Minimum Delivery Quantity
Our minimum order quantity for deliveries is 10 cubic yards. Do you need less than that? Find a local supplier here.